Tuesday 16 December 2014

Five lovely tasks

1, Five antonyms from ''So this is Christmas''
 old and  young; weak and  strong;  rich and  poor;  black and r white; over and begin

2, Find words in the songs that mean:

Battle: fight; Terror; fear; Beloved: dear; Wish: hope

3,  (1) boughs of holly; The bough of holly was hung on the front of door by Canadian marks Christmas iscoming.
apparel; I need to buy a suit of thick sport apparel for skiing.
troll: We practiced this song by trolling and switching with man and woman.
blazing; I dreamed a wolf was looking on me with blazing eyes, so I woke up from this scared   dream.
(2) Yule-tide carol is a traditional discretion for Christmas carol.
       As a instrument, Harp can be used with Chorus.

Wednesday 10 December 2014


Task 1:
 Now answer the following questions:
1.What type of meeting is the agenda for?
School meeting
2. Who are the participants?

3. What is the purpose of the meeting?
To plan fundraising activities for spring term

4. How long do you think it is going to be?
2 hours

5. How can the participants prepare for the meeting?
 Prepare the fundraising activities

Task 2:

To: Jessie, Human Resource Department
From: Iris, Accounting Department
We are going to have a meeting about budget of graduation ceremony this year at 9:00 am, December 11th in the conference room.  We are going to discuss the participant range, ceremony decoration spending and consumption in the ceremony. This is the mandatory meeting, please attend on time.

Dec 10

Meeting Agenda
Accounting Department of Micro skill
When: Thursday, December 11th, 9:00am
Where: Conference room
Objective: Budget discussion of annual graduation ceremony in Link School
1, Discuss the participant range for the graduation ceremony
2, Discuss the decoration spending for the graduation ceremony

3, Discuss the consumption in the graduation ceremony

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Report of Employment Standards

This report  a part of employment standards include minimum wage rates of Ontario; Hour of work in Ontario; Public holidays and pregnancy leave, parental leave in Ontario.

 1, The general adult minimum rate of  Ontario is $11.00 per hour; The student minimum wage is $10.30 per hour; The Liquor Servers Minimum Wage is $9.55 per hour.

 2, The maximum daily hours of work is 8 hours a day; The maximum weekly hours of work
is 48 hours a week..

 3, Ontario has nine public holidays: New Year's Day; Family Day; Good Friday;   Victoria Day ; Canada Day; Labour Day ; Thanksgiving Day ; Christmas Day ; Boxing Day (December 26). Most employees who qualify are entitled to take these days off work and be paid public holiday pay. Alternatively, they can agree in writing to work on the holiday and they will be paid.

4,Employees are entitled to two weeks of vacation time after each 12-month vacation entitlement year. Ordinarily, a vacation entitlement year is a recurring 12-month period beginning on the date of hire.

5, Pregnant employees have the right to take pregnancy leave of up to 17 weeks of unpaid time off work. In some cases the leave may be longer. Employers do not have to pay wages to someone who is on pregnancy leave. New parents have the right to take parental leave--unpaid time off work when a baby or child is born or first comes into their care. Birth mothers who took pregnancy leave are entitled to up to 35 weeks' leave. Birth mothers who do not take pregnancy leave and all other new parents are entitled to up to 37 weeks' parental leave.

Dec.9. 2014

Friday 5 December 2014

Presentation skills

Similarities: Proper dressing; appropriate  gestures; The topic is very specific, not too wide and complicated.

 Differences; First one seems more formal than the other, there was board behind the presenter, presenter showed information on the board, she informed to audiences what she wanted to talk about at the beginning and presented the topic step by step directly  and clearly. All the words she used that around professional field. The presentation style was very formal and seriously. The second one came with interaction first to attract audience with asking questions and gave suggestions. Presenter picked up a personal story to explain the main thing he would like to talk and impress the audiences. The presentation style was very inform and humorous and used so many slang and idiom.

Five things that you have learned:

From the first presentation: Direct shows main contain on the board that you want to present on the board and divide them to different group; Put them in order, explain step by step; Using simple words and sentence to explain professional Vocabulary in order to make audiences understand clearly; Have brief summarization and conclusion, makes audiences follow the topic easy; When explain the similar vocabulary, give some example to compare with and distinguish the differences.

From the second presentation; Sense of humours; Interaction; Use so many gestures to impress audiences; Change different tone of voice to attract audiences; take about personal live story to show resonance.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Grammar in Context: Prepositional Collocations

Task 1:
Complete the sentences below with the correct verb or adjective followed by an appropriate preposition (e.g., for, to, with, about).


1. I would like to .........apologize for......................my absence at the meeting.
2. I am ..concerned about......................the lack of supervision in the playground.
3. I am writing to .......complain to.........................the poor service I received at your store.
4. I am very ...sorry about...................... not being able to meet the deadline.
5. We would like to ......invite..............you........to......... the ABC Company’s open house on Saturday, June 16 at 1:00 p.m.
6. I am writing to ...inform ......................you about the new budget proposal.
7. I would like to take this opportunity to ........thank............you .....for...........  being a loyal customer over the years.
8. I am ................interested in............ finding out about the training programs that you offer.
9. I am very ........upset about...........................the way I was treated by one of your admin staff.
10. I am writing to .........inquire about..................... the position you have available.
11. I am ............responding  to.. ........................your advertisement in the Globe and Mail on June 3, 2009.
12. I would like to .........apply .for....the position of Sales Manager that was advertised in the Kingston Whig Standard on September 31, 2010.

Task 2:
Write six sentences of your own using prepositional collocations.
 1, I blame my son for making the mess at home.
 2, I will come over to your place around 2 pm.
 3, After settling down in Canada, the first thing that I have to do is to pass drive license.
 4, Please pay attention about your class.
 5, I can not agree with you.
 6, I would like to contribute to my all energy on this project.

Task 3:
Errors in Letter-writing Conventions
This letter has nine errors relating to proper business letter conventions. Underline the mistakes and correct them.

Mrs. Lucinda Minto, Manager
Bright Star Lighting Store
11 Glendale Ave.
Oshawa, ON 
L1H 8K9

Monday, September 12, 2009

Dear Lucinda:
I am writing to you to explain a situation happened on me. I purchased a floor lamp in your store on August 25th, 2009,. Unfortunately, I was not able to use it, because it did not work properly. Every time I switched it on, it switched off by itself after about 30 minutes. I took the lamp back to the store, but the salesgirl refused to refund me my money back. I had a telephone conversation with you about it and you confirmed that your store’s policy is to exchange faulty merchandise rather than refund the money. Unfortunately, the lamp that I am looking for is no longer available at your store. After giving these circumstances, I would like to request to refund the money back to me. I will so appreciate about it.

I am looking for reply from you.


Peter Wu

Marisa Romer

Task 4:
Answer the questions.
1. What is the purpose of the letter? explain the problem and ask for refunding money.
2. What is the problem? he bought a lamp didn't work, but there wasn't the some one in the store that could be changed.
3. What is the customer requesting? refunding money.
4. Is it a reasonable request? Why? Yes, it is. Because he can not find the same lamp in the store.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Degrees of Formality

Task 1:
Rewrite the sentences below, replacing the words in italics with their formal equivalents from the box. Make sure you use the correct form of the verb.

would like

1. I can assure this will never happen again.
2. We will ensure the computer is repaired by one of our technicians.
3. The book I purchased online was damaged.
4. I would like you to give me my money back.
5. I hope you received the package I sent last week.
6. He’s really angry about the service he received at our store.
7. The work will be completed by the end of the month.
8. The manager is concerned that they won’t meet their deadline.
9. Please review the proposal and make any necessary changes.
10. She requested  the information a long time ago.

Task 2:
Read the sentences below and decide whether or not they use the degree of formality appropriate for the given situation. Revise the sentences if necessary.

1. a note to a co-worker: The meeting is at 10 sharp. Don’t be late. Change to please be on time.
2. a letter to a Member of Parliament: Thank you for your help in this matter Change to I’m so appreciate your help in this matter
3. an email message to a friend: I am looking forward to seeing you there :) 
4. a note to a child’s teacher: I would greatly appreciate it if you could inform me when I could meet with you.
5. an email message to a superior: I’ll let you know about the time of the meeting ASAP. Change to I would like to inform you about the time of the meeting.
6. a manager to her subordinates: Thanks for your hard work, guys! Change to thanks to your hard work, everyone!
7. a letter accompanying your résumé: Here is my résumé. Change to please enclosed find my resume on the attachment below.

8. a note to the office cleaner: I would appreciate it if you could kindly clean under my desk in a timely fashion change to may i ask you to clean under my desk when you come to my office.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Education in your home country and in North America

Education in China and in North America totally shows different concepts and ways. Education in China force on follow, but education in North America force on creation.

First of all, Chinese teachers teach students only from textbooks. They just tell students what you need to know, you must remember knowledge only, do not need to understand why these exist and it is not supposed to be doubt and advanced. North America teaches always teach students methods and reasons. They encourage students to create their new idea in the class and daily life.  Student’s individual developments are respected in there educated stages.

Secondly, Education System in China controlled by Chinese government, purpose of education by Chinese government is domination of people’s minds. Government does not allow different opinion result from people educated deeply. In deeded, government scared about instability from people knows more things by educated. By contrast, Education runs in North America in according to people’s requirements and society’s progresses. Government severs education and put its position higher than political power.

Furthermore, different education makes different result between China and North America. Youths in China have strong ability to copy and follow, but their creativity have been destroyed under their educational environment. Youths in North America have the totally opposite features. They confident to create, they brave to show up, they aspire to change world better.

To sum up, I prefer to education in North America. It is much more suit for generations’ growth, because I do not want my kids become a “copy machine”. In stand of, I would like they keep their original characters and abilities to live with them free and comfortable in their life.

Friday 14 November 2014

Women's suffrage

1 Manitoba women were the first to vote in Canada.
2 Women's votes up in house.
3 Nurse could vote.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

The test for the article about psychometric test

Psychometric test: Psychometric test is an objectively test used by certain companies which can test your potential character and ability that employees consider about.
Deliberately: After deliberately thinking, she decided to divorce.
Calm …down: No matter how nerves you are, you must to calm down during your interview process.
Impressed in: I impressed in you always have brave to face on the difficulty.
Inaccuracy: The quality of this product is wrong. It is an inaccuracy.

Turn down: Please turn down the radio, let my baby sleep well.
Preferable: You need make a preferable choice between these two men to be your boyfriend.
Suspicious: We should not put our suspicious and judgment to persons that are living with you.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Tuesday Assiginment

How to Make a Punching Introduction in a Telephonic Interview 
1, Introduce yourself  and give a brief overview of your background;
2, Give the detailed background introduction, especially  talk about your accomplishment and succeed.

 Phone interview tips

1, Don't use slang term that you usually use;
2, Don't put someone on and hold when you are talking to them in a phone interview to pick up another line.
3, Don't answer your kids question and can not have other disturbances going on.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

List all the Dos and Don'ts in job interview
1, man wear pants suit,don't wear, woman wear skirt or pants suit;
2, firm shake hands, get web between thumb and forefinger with eyes contact and smile;
3, brief summarize with career, ability and goals;
4, focus on the job discussion;
5, stand up with greet;
6, copy resume with you ;
7, ask business card;
8, turn off the cell phone.
9, weakness you can improve in future.
1, wear nary blue or chocolate nary suit, put large jewelry, bright color, too much make up;
2, tell life story;
3, personal or character weakness.
4, personal information don't need to reply
5, strong perfume.

10 most annoying gestures during a job interview.
1,Nervous Gestures 
2,Bad Handshake
3,Too Much or Too Little Eye Contact
4,Knee jiggling or finger drumming
5,Playing with your pen
6,Nail biting
7,Picking at, rubbing, or scratching any part of your body
8,Waving your hands while speaking
9,Tugging at your cuffs or at the hem of your skirt
10,Hair twirling

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Workplace Culture

Dear Vivian:
How was everything going?
I can not wait to share with you about what I learnt from my Workplace English Course. I learnt workplace culture in Canada that is very difference with China. I am so glad as a women that I have equality right and treat with man in our workplace. This culture minimize discriminate to women. Women could achieve their values by working. Another thing I would like to tell you that the aggressive person in the workplace likes virus that everyone does not want to work with. We need to always respect people and keep our polite behavior to others. I am so proud that I am collaborative that makes me very popular here. Work with team is a very important soft skill that all the employers considerate about when they want to hire candidates. 

So many things I would like to share with you, but it is too late to company with Aidan to sleep.

Hope you have good time in China and Welcome to Canada.


Tuesday 27 May 2014

today's work

Comprehension Check:
Did you understand the story? Are these sentences true?
1. Sir John A. Macdonald was born in Scotland. Yes or no? YES
2. The Dominion of Canada was formed in 1867. Yes or no? NO
3. Sir John A. Macdonald was the Prime Minister of Canada from 1867 to 1891. Yes or no? YES
4. Upper Canada, Lower Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick joined together to form the Dominion of Canada. Yes or no? YES
5. There were twenty six Fathers of Confederation. Yes or no? NO
Fill in the Blanks:
6. Sir John A. Macdonald grew up in Kingston which was in ________Upper___ Canada.
7. There were two __________conferences______ in 1864, one in Charlottetown and one in Quebec City.
8. Sir John A. Macdonald died just after the ______election_______ in 1891.
9. Sir John A. Macdonald was ____appointed______________ as the first Prime Minister.
10. The Fathers of Confederation helped to decide what system of ______government________ Canada would have.
11. The laws of a country are part of the ____legal__________ system of that country.

Sir John A. Macdonald was the first Prime Minister of Canada. He was one of the 34 fathers of Confederation and brought the Dominion of Canada to meet in the conferences in 1864 to make plans to unite the provinces. They made decisions to set up the government system and legal system. When Canada became a country he was appointed as the first Prime Minister. He was the Prime Minister of Canada from 1867 to 1891 and then again between 1878 and 1891 until he died on 6 June 1891.