Monday 28 April 2014

useful words and expression

Drill: I need a good drill to drill me for improving my writing skill.

Empathy: She has the empathy to work of art and put her emotional and intellectual feelings about artistic creation.

Insight:If you have the ability of insight, you can immediately understand children's problems and make a good communication with them.

outplacement: This a outplacement for him to find new job, provided by this company for him who is being let go.

liken: I liken dogs to the friends, because they are very faithful.

gambit;A good gambit always help us to access to the succeed.

expectations: Don't put so much expectations for the relationship, because nobody can control their emotion and it is easy to lost feeling to other suddenly with no reason.

shortcoming: Every body has shortcoming. we need to reduce them to make ourselves perfectly.

continuum: Language  learning has continuum, you should to insist it as well as you can.

pithy: Making a pithy introduction for yourself is very important in your telephone interview.
pertinent: Can you provide pertinent statement to support your main viewpoint?

draw people out: Draw people out is a necessary ability for leaders to know what staffs are thinking about their jobs.

sales pitch: Do not just focus on the sales pitch about goods, you need to keep clamming to think about the function of the products.

stubborn:Having the ability to solve the stubborn problem for a company which means company can not leave you when difficulties are coming.

nudged out: I always been nudged by my son out of my principle to let him do what he would like to do.

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